EPIDEMICS 6 – the 6th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics 29 November – 1 December 2017 Barcelona

EPIDEMICS 6 – the 6th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics will take place 29 November – 1 December 2017 in Sitges, nr Barcelona, Spain.

Chaired by Neil Ferguson, (Imperial College London) and Hans Heesterbeek (Universiteit Utrecht), the meeting will bring together around 500 international delegates for three days of intense dialogue on ideas, data, insight, models and methods in the field of infectious disease dynamics. Abstracts are invited by 23 June 2017.

The following invited plenary speakers will lead a topical programme supplemented by around 80 contributed oral presentations and lively and stimulating poster sessions.


Roy M. Anderson, Imperial College London, UK

Marc Bonten, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands

Caroline Buckee, Harvard School of Public Health, USA

Simon Cauchemez, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France

Liz Corbett, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

Derek Cummings, University of Florida, USA

Christl Donnelly, Imperial College London, UK

Eva Harris, University of California at Berkeley, USA

Andrew Rambaut, University of Edinburgh, UK

Aleksandra Walczak, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France


Further details and online abstract submission can be found on the conference website:
