Professor Julie Simpson is Head of Biostatistics and Deputy Head at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, a NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and a Chief Investigator of the NHMRC Centres for Research Excellence – ViCBiostat (Victorian Centre for Biostatistics) and ACREME (Australian Centre of Research Excellence in Malaria Elimination). Julie has published over 200 peer-reviewed publications and has 25 years experience as a biostatistician contributing to clinical and population health research. Her main research areas are: the integration of biostatistics and mathematical modelling to improve the control of infectious diseases and statistical methods for handling missing data. She has been an advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) for the design and analysis of antimalarial drug trials over the last 15 years, and recently contributed to policy change in the treatment of children with severe malaria (WHO treatment guidelines, 3rd edition).